Arrival Procedures
Breakfast can be purchased
starting at 8:15 a.m.
Big Playground supervision
starts at 8:20 a.m.
Parents are welcome on the big playground each morning,
but School Policy is all
goodbyes are said outside.
First Grade children will line up and meet
their teacher
on the big playground at 8:30 a.m.
The class will transition
to the classroom together.
School Starts at 8:40
a.m. in the classroom.
On rainy or snowy days students will gather in the cafeteria
before being escorted to the classroom by their teacher.
Dismissal Procedures
First Grade is dismissed from the cafeteria at 3:30 p.m.
Please be on time.
We have the table close to the stage and front door.
There will be signs.
Please wait to take your child until we have made eye contact
and I have had a chance to say goodbye to your child.
School policy is that first
grade children must be
signed out by a
parent/guardian when they are picked up.
A staff member escorts
children riding the bus.
Aftercare children are escorted to their
designated area.
Most children do not buy lunch on the first day.
Remember we are NUT-FREE. So no peanut butter and jelly.
If your child is buying lunch, make sure you have put money into his or her account.
Paperwork can be picked up at the front office. Snacks
The district website has everything you will need: menus, lunch account information, etc.
Please send a healthy
snack for your child to eat in the afternoon.
Students may not share
Remember the School
District of Clayton has a NO NUT policy for K-2.
Clothing for School
Label your child's Backpack, coats, sweaters, or sweatshirt
with his or her name on it.
Please send extra clothes to keep at school in a zip lock bag
case of a wet slide/spilled milk or an accident.
Clothes should be
appropriate for daily outside recess.
Students should wear Tennis
shoes since
we have P.E.
**Note that our building is
cold during hot days.
You may want to send a
sweatshirt/sweater/ long sleeve shirt for your child to keep at school when the
AC is running.**
8:30- School Opening on Big Playground
8:40- 8:50 Unpack and Choose Lunch
8:50-9:00 Opening (Library on A days)
9:00-10:40 Reading Workshop
10:45-10:50-Get ready for Lunch/Bathroom
10:50-11:30- Lunch and Recess
11:30-12:20- Writing Workshop
9:00-10:40 Reading Workshop
10:45-10:50-Get ready for Lunch/Bathroom
10:50-11:30- Lunch and Recess
11:30-12:20- Writing Workshop
12:20-1:20- Special Classes
A-Spanish & P.E. (8/16) Tuesday
B-P.E. & Music (8/17) Wednesday
C-P.E. & Spanish (8/18) Thursday
D-Music & P.E. (8/19) Friday
E-Spanish & P.E.
1:20-1:35- Bathroom and Story
1:35-2:20- Math
2:20-3:20- Science or Social Studies
(ART on C days)
3:30- Dismiss in the Cafeteria
3:30- Dismiss in the Cafeteria